Ladies Conference 2024 – No Gray : Unveiling The White and Black
In our world, ambiguity often clouds our understanding of several things. There emerges a profound need to unveil black-and-white truths to guide us.
Anchored invites all ladies to our Annual Conference themed, No Gray: Unveiling the Black and White.
Join us on Saturday, April 13th from 8 AM-5 PM as we discuss truth about sound doctrine, sexuality, and self.
Our guest speakers are gearing up to help us shed light on gray areas that cause confusion and sinfulness among women.
The charges are KSh. 1200/= payable by 11th April midnight. Payment details are on the attached poster.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain clarity and understanding on these issues. Tag a friend along!!
To register, kindly follow this link http://bit.ly/3xaES3n